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Institute of Psychology, Health and Society

Institute of Psychology, Health and Society

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(UOL Internal) Clinical Trial Training for Investigators


This listing is for University of Liverpool Staff ONLY - for external bookings please use the other listing. 

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool PhD Student please contact [email protected] to arrange.

5-day course - Places are available for the full week or individual morning/afternoon sessions. NOTE: This course is accredited with Royal College of Physician CPD points

8th - 12th September 2025
Location: The Library Room
Liverpool Guild of Students L3 5TR  (online attendance is NOT available)

(Read More > More Info) for the course timetable. 

If you are a University of Liverpool PhD Student to book a place please contact: [email protected] 

For further information about the course content please contact Dr Susanna Dodd ([email protected])

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
08/09/202512/09/20250[Read More]
Aerial View of University

An Introduction to Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data


14th May 2025 - Online
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 
Duration: 1 Day - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

Course overview

Real world datasets often include both longitudinal data (data repeatedly measured over time) and time-to-event data (the time until a specified event occurs).  Often healthcare and research questions involve both longitudinal and time-to-event data.  Analysis of both data types simultaneously requires use of joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data (joint models).  This course aims to provide grounding in the statistical concepts and methods for the simultaneous or joint analysis of longitudinal and time-to-event data.  Course participants will also learn to apply these methods using R software, as well as find out how to interpret their results. 


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
14/05/202514/05/20250[Read More]
uol ariel view

External Booking- Clinical Trial Training for Investigators


This listing is for External bookings. If you are a current member of staff at UoL please visit the other listing. - If you are a PhD Student at University of Liverpool please contact [email protected] to book a place. 

8th - 12th September 2025 
5-day course - Places are available for the full week or individual morning/afternoon sessions. NOTE: This course is accredited with Royal College of Physician CPD points

Location: The Library Room - Liverpool Guild of Students L3 5TR (Please note: online attendance is NOT available)

Please click "Read More > More Info) for the course timetable. 

For further information about the course content please contact Dr Susanna Dodd ([email protected])

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
08/09/202512/09/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to ANOVA


2nd May 2025 

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: Half-Day - All course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions.

This module is aimed at researchers in the laboratory and medical fields. It is suitable for those who have 
no previous experience of data analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills. Understanding the assumptions
and characteristics of statistical methods is important in order to obtain the correct analysis and biological interpretation
of results.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
02/05/202502/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to Clinical Prediction Models


12th May 2025
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: Half-Day -all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This course is aimed at researchers who require a basic understanding of prediction modelling as part of their research studies. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience of prediction modelling, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.

Clinical prediction models combine multiple pieces of patient information in order to predict a clinical outcome. This full-day course includes lectures and practical sessions, and aims to give its delegates an introduction to the clinical reasoning and statistical methodology behind clinical prediction models.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
12/05/202512/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to Logistic Regression


6th May
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: Half Day  -all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This course is aimed at researchers within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. If participants do not already have a
basic understanding of statistical techniques, we recommend they also register for the three day course on statistical
issues in the design and analysis of research projects.

This course examines the application of models to predict a binary response variable from categorical and continuous predictor variables. Participants will also learn to apply these methods using SPSS software, as well as find out how to interpret their results.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
06/05/202506/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis


8th May 2025
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: 1 Day Course - but all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This course is aimed at participants who require a basic understanding of longitudinal data analysis as part of their research studies. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience of data analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.

Longitudinal data is obtained when a time-sequence of measurements is made on a response variable for each of a number of subjects in an experimental or observational study. This one-day course aims to give its delegates experience of the theory behind the statistical methods used for longitudinal data analysis.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
08/05/202508/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to Meta-Analysis


1st May 2025 
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: 1 Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This one-day workshop is suitable for those who have no previous experience of meta-analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.
If participants do not already have a basic understanding of statistical techniques, we recommend they also register for the three day course on statistical issues in the design and analysis of research projects.

This workshop will introduce the basic principles of combining binary or continuous outcomes from randomised controlled trials using the statistical technique of meta-analysis. Investigating heterogeneity and the potential impact of publication bias will be discussed. The practicalities involved such as extracting data and interpreting meta-analysis will be explored in small group sessions.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
01/05/202501/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to R


13th May 2025
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: Half-Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions


This course is aimed at researchers who require a basic understanding of R software as part of their research studies. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience of R, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is available as free software and compiles and runs on Windows, MacOS, and a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems. This half-day course includes lectures and computer practical, and aims to give its delegates experience of using the software.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
13/05/202513/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to Survival Analysis


7th May 2025

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: 1 Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This course is suitable for those who have no previous experience of data analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills. 

Time-to-event data are collected when individuals are followed over time. This course aims to provide grounding in statistical concepts and methods for the analysis of time-to-event data. Course participants will also gain an understanding of the design issues involved and learn to apply these methods using SPSS/R software, as well as find out how to interpret their results.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
07/05/202507/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Introduction to the Validity and Reliability of Diagnostic Tests


9th May 2025
If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: Full Day Course - but all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This one-day module is aimed at those working in a medical field. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience of data analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.

This one-day course provides an overview of the important design and statistical analysis issues involved in setting up and evaluating studies for determining validity and reliability. Delegates will learn about these methods both in the context of laboratory or clinical diagnostic tests, and also psychological and psychiatric diagnostic scales.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
09/05/202509/05/20250[Read More]
ariel view of university buildings

Statistical Issues in the Design and Analysis of Research Projects


This course is aimed at anyone who requires a basic understanding of statistical techniques as part of their research studies:

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

If you are staff member paying with a cost centre please contact HDSSEO@liverpool to arrange.

28th – 30th April 2025 

Duration: 3-Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
28/04/202530/04/20250[Read More]