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Introduction to R


Course Information

ariel view of university buildings

This course is aimed at researchers who require a basic understanding of R software as part of their research studies. It is suitable for those who have no previous experience of R, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills.

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is available as free software and compiles and runs on Windows, MacOS, and a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems. This half-day course includes lectures and computer practical, and aims to give its delegates experience of using the software.

2nd December - In Person - UoL Campus

For queries please contact: [email protected]

Course Code


Course Leader

Anna Auer-Fowler
Course Description

What will delegates learn?

By the end of this course delegates will have an understanding of:
• How to use command line to run code
• Various functions to read in, summarise and analyse data
• How to get help within R

What does the course cover?

• Data structure
• Reading data into R
• Summarising data via graphs and hypothesis tests
• Logistic regression
• Help commands and finding further assistance

Statistical knowledge will not be covered as part of the course – the focus instead will be on using R to undertake basic statistical commands. The course will consist of 2 short lectures, each followed by a practical session.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
02/12/202402/12/20240[Read More]