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Institute of Infection and Global Health

Institute of Infection and Global Health

NeuroPRACTICE logo

NeuroPRACTICE Course - February 2025


An intensive 1-day update on the latest in the management of common neurological presentations focusing on the key skills required for clinical assessment, investigation and management of common neurological and neurosurgical presentations.

Topics discussed on the day will typically include:

  • Headache, migraine or not?
  • Transient neurological symptoms
  • Approach to movement disorders
  • Acute and chronic back pain
  • Functional Neurological Disorders

The course is aimed at primary and secondary care healthcare professionals and relevant to anyone seeing common neurological presentations (including GPs, ANPs, A&E doctors, junior doctors, GP trainees and more).


Attendee CategoryCost   
Delegate Rate£97.50[Read More]