NeuroPRACTICE Course - November 2025Info Location Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionAn intensive 1-day update on the latest in the management of common neurological presentations focusing on the key skills required for clinical assessment, investigation and management of common neurological and neurosurgical presentations. Topics discussed on the day will typically include:
The course is aimed at primary and secondary care healthcare professionals and relevant to anyone seeing common neurological presentations (including GPs, ANPs, A&E doctors, junior doctors, GP trainees and more).
Event Location![]()
ContactFor further information please contact: Elyse Laplante, NeuroPRACTICE Course Coordinator Email: [email protected] More InformationTimings Start - 09.30 - tea and coffee on arrival Hot lunch to be served, plus afternoon refreshments. End - 16.30 For a draft programme please see the University of Liverpool website:
Cancellation Policy We follow the policy held by the University of Liverpool for running courses and events, if you decide to cancel your place ahead of the planned date you may receive a refund (either in full or in part) depending on the date that you cancel.
However, if you cancel with less than a week to the course date we will be unable to grant you a refund. You will however be offered a place on the next upcoming NeuroPRACTICE course. Please visit the Terms and Conditions of the University of Liverpool's online store for further details. Click on the link and scroll down to Section IV: |