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Statistical Issues in the Design and Analysis of Research Projects


Course Information

ariel view of university buildings

This course is aimed at anyone who requires a basic understanding of statistical techniques as part of their research studies:

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

If you are staff member paying with a cost centre please contact HDSSEO@liverpool to arrange.

28th – 30th April 2025 

Duration: 3-Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions


Course Code


Course Leader

Dr David Hughes
Course Description

This three-day course will give delegates an excellent grounding in the basics of biomedical statistics, as well as provide a detailed introduction to other courses offered by the health data science team. It looks at the most commonly used study designs in biomedical health research, giving the background to the theory but also teaching participants how to apply their knowledge practically and interpret their results.

By the end of this course, delegates will:
• Have an appreciation of variability and types of data - populations, sampling and confidence intervals
• Have a basic understanding of the concepts behind multiple regression analysis, logistic regression and survival analysis
• Have an understanding of SPSS standard statistical software.

What does the course cover?
• Variability and types of data
• Populations, sampling and confidence intervals
• Hypothesis testing
• Overview of study design
• Regression and correlation
• Multiple linear regression and an introduction to logistic regression and survival analysis
• Data analysis using SPSS software.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
28/04/202530/04/20250[Read More]