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Introduction to Survival Analysis


Course Information

ariel view of university buildings

7th May 2025

If you are currently enrolled as a University of Liverpool Student please have your supervisor complete the following form PhD Student Approval 

Duration: 1 Day Course - all course material will be made available 7 days in advance and for 2 weeks afterwards

Mode: Online with recorded lectures followed by live question & answer sessions and live faculty-led computer practical sessions

This course is suitable for those who have no previous experience of data analysis, as well as those seeking to refresh their skills. 

Time-to-event data are collected when individuals are followed over time. This course aims to provide grounding in statistical concepts and methods for the analysis of time-to-event data. Course participants will also gain an understanding of the design issues involved and learn to apply these methods using SPSS/R software, as well as find out how to interpret their results.

Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Susanna Dodd
Course Description

By the end of this course delegates will:
• Be able to use various statistical methods to summarise and analyse time-to-event data
• Have an appreciation of how to analyse their data and interpret their results
• Have an understanding of how to use standard statistical software in this analysis

What does the course cover?

• Introduction to survival data including the concept of censoring
• Comparing survival between groups using Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank tests
• Regression modelling and variable selection including the Cox model and other alternative models
• Design issues such as choice of endpoint and sample size calculations
• Introduction to software which can assist these processes

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
07/05/202507/05/20250[Read More]