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Monday 8th | AM SESSION (9.30-12.30) | What do you need to do to design a trial? Dr Nicola Harman, University of Liverpool Dr Susanna Dodd, University of Liverpool | Topics: Identifying, defining and justifying the question; the importance of the protocol |
PM SESSION (1.30-4.30) | General design issues Dr Susanna Dodd, University of Liverpool | Topics: Feasibility, external and internal pilot studies; pragmatic and explanatory designs, internal and external validity; sample size considerations |
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Tuesday 9th | AM SESSION (9.30-12.30) | Introduction to different designs Professor James Wason, Newcastle University Dr Girvan Burnside, University of Liverpool | Topics: Stepped wedge and cluster randomised trials; adaptive designs |
PM SESSION (1.30-4.30) | Recruitment of trial participants Professor Kerry Woolfall, University of Liverpool Dr Nicola Harman, University of Liverpool | Topics: Barriers and facilitators; effective recruitment and retention strategies; recruitment monitoring |
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Wednesday 10th | AM SESSION (9.30-12.30) | Trial conduct (part 2) Dr Emma Bedson, Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre Mrs Tracy Moitt, Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre Mrs Emily Rees, Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre Mr Tim Chater, Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre | Topics: Ethical, legal and regulatory requirements; pharmacovigilance; barriers and facilitators to setting up sites; data sources; information systems and data management |
PM SESSION (1.30-4.30) | Liverpool Clinical Trials Centre showcase | |
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Thursday 11th | AM SESSION (9.30-12.30) | Public and Patient Involvement Professor Peter Bower, University of Manchester | Topics: Basic principles of patient centred trials; evidence of benefit |
PM SESSION (1.30-4.30) | Keynote talk ‘How to be a good Chief Investigator’ Professor Michael Jenkinson Trial conduct (part 1) Dr Ashley Jones, University of Liverpool | Topics: Risk assessment; risk-based monitoring and safety monitoring; trial oversight committees |
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Friday 12th | PM SESSION (9.30-12.30) | Analysis and reporting (part 1) Dr Richard Jackson, University of Liverpool | Topics: Key principles of trial analysis; intention to treat analysis; causal analysis |
PM SESSION (1.30-4.30) | Analysis and reporting (part 2) Professor Dyfrig Hughes, Bangor University Professor Jamie Kirkham, University of Manchester | Topics: Basic principles of health economics; methods of economic evaluation; economic outcomes; good practice in trial reporting |