Production Animal CPDProduction Animal CPDECVPH Residents' CourseDescriptionApplication of microbiological risk assessment and management in risk-based food safety assurance systems
May 19th-23rd 2025 - Virtual, Zoom.
This intensive 5-day course is aimed at ECVPH residents from both subspecialties. The The registrations will be treated on a first come, first serve basis and the maximum number of participants is limited to 24. The deadline for the registration is 1st May 2025. The course is approved and supported by the ECVPH. The first 12 registered residents of the ECVPH will be eligible for reimbursement and can make an individual claim for up to €300 funding. Only Residents who are “in good standing” (residents who have submitted their annual progress report from the previous year) and who do not receive funding from elsewhere for their participation are eligible for funding by the College. The residents must make an individual claim by themselves to the College within 60 days after the course. For more information, please read the Bylaws on the refund of Residents. For more information about the course, topics, registration, deadlines, etc, please contact Dr Dragan Antic: [email protected].