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Liverpool Temporal Bone Microscopic and Endoscopic Dissection

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Course Information

Temporal Bone picture

3rd Liverpool Temporal Bone Microscopic and Endoscopic Dissection Course

This three day course, held in the Human Anatomy Resource Centre of the University of Liverpool is suitable for higher surgical trainees (ST3 or above or fellowship trainees) in Otolaryngology, although other grades are welcome. This course emphasis will be on hands on open, endoscopic and microscopic dissection and practical teaching including an introduction to endoscopic ear anatomy/surgery.

Course Code


Course Leader

Miss Nazia Munir
Course Description


Progression through the dissection will be performed under close supervision of trainers and paced at an appropriate level to the participant, with a high tutor to delegate ratio. The course manual has been adapted to assess progress and acquisition of competency. The extent of dissection, and other ancillary procedures, carried out by each individual trainee will be tailored to their level of experience. Each participant is supplied with TWO cadaveric half heads (One Theil for life like tissues and one Formalin fixed) enabling practice on soft tissue and extended approaches to the lateral skull base.

Spaces are limited to ten delegates. Early booking is advised. There will be training on all aspects of hearing implantation including Cochlear Implants, Middle Ear Implants, Bone Bridge and BAHA.

The programme will include:

Two half heads per delegate (1 Theil, 1 Formalin Fixed)

  • Endocopic ear anatomy/surgery
  • Posterior tympanotomy
  • Anterior tympanotomy
  • Ossiculoplasty
  • Stapedotomy +/- Laser
  • Atticotomy
  • Attico-antrostomy
  • Modified radical mastoidectomy
  • Labyrinthectomy
  • Translabyrinthine approach to the internal auditory meatus
  • Facial nerve decompression
  • Middle Ear Implants
  • Cochlear Implants
  • BAHA/Bone- Bridge Implants


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3rd Liverpool Temporal Bone Microscopic and Endoscopic Dissection Course