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School of Histories, Languages and Cultures

School of Histories, Languages and Cultures

Abercromby Square with Sydney Jones library

AULC Conference 2025


The University of Liverpool will be hosting the 26th annual conference of the AULC on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th April 2025.

The Association of University Language Communities in the UK & Ireland (AULC) represents University wide language learning across higher education, with 70 member Universities, as well as associated cultural institutes and government departments. Collectively language centres teach in excess of 70,000 students per year across the UK, in at least 35 different languages.

This year's conference focuses on Multilingualism, Multiliteracies, Digital Technologies, and Accessibility in Language Teaching, specifically within the contexts of Second Language (L2), Foreign Language (FL), and Heritage Language (HL) teaching.

Attendee CategoryCostPlace(s) Available  
One day - AULC member£30.000[Read More]
One day - non AULC member£40.000[Read More]
Two day - AULC Member£50.000[Read More]
Two day - non AULC Member£60.000[Read More]