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Course Information

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Tuesday 9th September 2025 - Wednesday 10th September 2025

The Liverpool Head and Neck Centre is proud to host an intensive two-day course which aims to provide an in-depth theoretical and practical overview of transoral laser treatment for tumours of the larynx and pharynx. This course is suitable for consultants and higher surgical trainees in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

In order to secure your place, you must complete the HARC form on the link below.  Payment alone will not be sufficient to secure your place on the course.  Failure to do so will result in you not being allowed to access the course.



Course Code


Course Leader

Mr Christopher Loh
Course Description

This course will teach participants transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) using the CO2 laser on Thiel soft-fix cadaveric specimens. Participants will be taught TLM techniques for cancers of the glottic larynx, supraglottic larynx, tonsil, base of tongue and hypopharynx using a variety of laryngoscopes and high-powered microscopes with the CO2  laser micro-manipulators. There will be 2 dissectors per Thiel cadaver.

This course will consist of lectures and expert panel discussions on the first day, while the second day focuses on instructional sessions and supervised cadaver dissection.  The course will be held at the Human Anatomy Resource Centre at the University of Liverpool.

The course fee is £1100 for dissectors, and £400 for observers (includes Medical Laser Safety Training certificate, refreshments, lunch, and a course dinner on Tuesday 9th September 2025).

The course is limited to 10 dissectors and 10 observers, and early booking is advised.

Feedback from previous courses:

"Excellent faculty to delegate ratio"

"Interesting clinical discussions"

"Fantastic course, faculty were all extremely approachable and engaging and clearly experts in their field. The faculty ratio of 1:1 made for a much higher yield learning environment and really helped me get to grips with the nuances of the various procedure. Excellent facilities also and being able to see what my dissection partner was doing on a large screen meant I could also learn from what they were doing"

"Candidate to faculty ratio was excellent. All the faculty were extremely knowledgeable and were able to answer questions with reference to clinical practice and their prior experience. The venue was extremely well equipped and being able to see the microscope view on a large screen meant I could learn from my dissection partner"

 For full details of the course https://sites.google.com/view/liverpoollasercourse

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