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LHNC Advanced Head & Neck Reconstructive Course

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Course Information


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Course Information 

Course Dates - Monday 13th – Thursday 16th October 2025

An advanced course for delegates with prior surgical experience of routine free tissue harvest (as a minimum) with ambition to develop complex free tissue transfer ability/techniques and associated skills.

In order to secure your place, you must complete the HARC form on the link below.  Payment alone will not be sufficient to secure your place on the course.  Failure to do so will result in you not being allowed access to the course.


Course Code


Course Leader

Prof Andrew Schache
Course Description

A complete 4 day course comprised of two integrated components. The course will be commences with a single (full) day of virtual surgical planning including an immersive session utilising the custom plans designated for the course dissection and Stryker/3D Systems supported education. Subsequently the 3 x full day cadaveric course will provide hands on learning for recon techniques/advanced free flaps. Includes lab staff time, facilities preparation, lunch and refreshments. CT scans of cadavers will be undertaken in advance.

Target audience is advanced trainees (ST5+) and consultants from specialities involved with reconstruction following Head & Neck Cancer who are interested in learning surgical approaches and techniques in head and neck reconstruction. This will primarily be Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons from the United Kingdom however interest has already been received from Plastic surgeons and ENT/ORL surgeons with similar clinical interests. Similarly, interest is anticipated once again, from colleagues within the EU.

There will be scope within the course to provide training specific/bespoke to the individuals’ needs and indeed this may broaden the audience to more junior and, visa versa, more senior/experienced surgeons. Scope also exists to include core trainees/junior trainee as observers /dissection assistants.

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Observer place