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Elementary Children's Mandarin Autumn Term 2024

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Course Information

Girl cutting orange paper at table. Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Elementary Children's Mandarin Autumn Term 2024

The University of Liverpool Confucius Institute is launching an in-person, 10-week Mandarin Chinese language course for school-age children on Fridays between 4:30 pm and 6 pm.

Course Code


Course Leader

Yuqiao Cai
Course Description

The language class is suitable for primary school students aged 6-10 years old in the Liverpool area. The students should have achieved the upper elementary level; i.e., they can introduce themselves simply with personal details such as name, age, nationality; describe things around them, e.g., colours, furniture, stationary, and how to add/substract numbers within 20 in Mandarin.


We will teach the textbook "YCT" STANDARD COURSE 2 Unit 6-11. We hope to give students a good foundation in Chinese Mandarin language, so that they can be able to read 150-160 commonly used Chinese characters, 15 grammar items and 15 function items of YCT level 2 and improve their Chinese expression skills.


We also aim to give the students a foundation in Chinese culture by introducing activities such as Chinese calligraphy and handcraft.


 We can arrange for the students to take the Youth Chinese Test after they finish the "YCT" STANDARD COURSE 2. The test is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency by Hanban.


Please note that, due to safeguarding policies, parents must remain onsite for the duration of each lesson.


Time: 4:30 pm-6 pm

Dates: 4 October 2024—13 December 2024

There’s no class during half-term.

4 October

11 October

18 October

25 October

8 November

15 November

22 November

29 November

6 December

13 December

Place: 126 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L69 3GR

Cost: Early Bird Price-To Sign Up Before 23 September: £20. Tuition Fee: First child £30, additional children £15 per child.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Elementary Children's Mandarin Autumn Term 2024